موضوع: لعبه الرعب والاكشن الرهيبه Penumbra Overture بحجم 375 ميجا فقط وعلي اكثر من سيرفر الجمعة نوفمبر 20, 2009 11:14 pm
Penumbra Overture
Penumbra is a first person horror game utilizing physics for interaction and puzzles. The game is set on Greenland where the protagonist searches for information regarding his late father. Minimum Requirements
* Windows 2K/XP 1Ghz CPU 256MB RAM 1000 MB hard-drive space ATI Radeon 8500/NVIDIA GeForce 3(MX not supported)
Installation : *Unrar 2 Parts *Start Setup *Play & Enjoy
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