Phlinx takes you to a far-off land where myths and treasures are waiting to be revealed! Create groups of colored stones, collect ancient power-ups and make your way to the nighttime bonus round. Solve the mystery of the 'Phlinx' in Classic Mode by completing game rounds to unlock chapters of the story.
Race against the clock to clear the 'Phlinx' board in the Action Mode. Earn mysterious hieroglyph rankings, collect ancient medallions and become a part of Phlinx mythology!
اهلا وسهلا بك عزيزى الزائر ,, يبدوا ان هذة اول زياره لك لمنتدانا شباب ليونزShababLionZ.Com:: نتمنى ان نراك عضو صاحب مكان وليس زائر - وندعوك لأنشاء حساب مجانى لك فى اقل من 10 ثوانى تكون فرد من اسرتنا [ للتسجيل تفضل بالضغط ] هنــا